Rashidiya, Clinic

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About Rashidiya, Clinic

4.1 (7+ reviews)


Rashidiya, Clinic, a highly regarded Bus stop, serves patients in . With a stellar rating of 4.1 stars based on 7 reviews, Rashidiya, Clinic is known for exceptional care and expertise in .

Conveniently located at Al Rashidiya, Rashidiya, Clinic is easily accessible to residents of and surrounding areas. Patients can contact the clinic at to schedule an appointment.

Whether you're seeking expert care in or need a trusted physician in , Dr. Rashidiya, Clinic is your go-to medical professional. Photo of Rashidiya, Clinicin

One of Rashidiya, Clinic's patient, guma ahmed said "In the case of issuing a birth certificate, copies of official papers must be available, such as the passport and identity cards of the father and mother. We commend the efforts of the employees for speedy completion and excellence.nIn the case of obtaining a birth certificate, copies of official papers such as the passport and identity of the father and mother must be available, and the efforts of the employees are thanked for their speedy achievement and distinction";.

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Specialities & Category

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Location & Maps

Al Rashidiya - Dubai - United Arab Emirates (Direction)

Contact Info

  • Al Rashidiya


  • How can I contact Rashidiya, Clinic?

    You can contact Rashidiya, Clinic at their phone number or through contact form on their website .

  • Where is Rashidiya, Clinic located?

    Rashidiya, Clinic in is located at Al Rashidiya - Dubai - United Arab Emirates.

  • How is Rashidiya, Clinic rated by patients?

    Based on 7 reviews, Rashidiya, Clinic has a rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars.

Rashidiya, Clinic Review (7) 4.1

  • Saad
    Reviewed 2790 days ago

    Bus shelter with AC. but AC rarely works. Near Rashidia clinic and Public library.

  • guma ahmed
    guma ahmed
    Reviewed 1265 days ago

    In the case of issuing a birth certificate, copies of official papers must be available, such as the passport and identity cards of the father and mother. We commend the efforts of the employees for speedy completion and excellence. In the case of obtaining a birth certificate, copies of official papers such as the passport and identity of the father and mother must be available, and the efforts of the employees are thanked for their speedy achievement and distinction

  • Alfaaz Afreen
    Alfaaz Afreen
    Reviewed 163 days ago

  • Mohammed israr Imran
    Mohammed israr Imran
    Reviewed 1652 days ago

    Reviewed 2218 days ago

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